17-18 October 2016

English II

  1.  Journal: What are Grapes of Wrath.
  2.  Discussion: TGW Chp. 1-2
  3.  Aristotelian Argument
    1. Outline resolution:For everything but police protection from theft & violence and national security, the government should stay out of individual's affairs.
  4.  Read TGW Chp 3-4

English I

  1. Journal:  Initial thoughts on Christopher as a narrator
  2. Discussion: TCIotDiN-T
  3. What is Research?
    1. Parts of a research paper - Purdue OWL
  4. HW: Read Chps 5-19
  1. Work the table on Wednesday
    1. Present on Wednesday
  2. Yearbook 
    1. Ladder
  3. Video
    1. Assignments and Schedule
  1. Case Writing


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